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Dark Brown Skin Tone

Keeping your skin healthy requires developing a skincare routine tailored to your skin type, whether it is oily, dry, sensitive or combination. We often neglect the impact of our skin tone on our skincare and makeup choices. Women with darker skin tones tend to have skin rich in melanin, the natural skin pigment that determines the skin and hair color. Extra melanin in our skin has its unique challenges that vary from uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation to hyper-active oily glands. Darker skin tone tends to look ashy when not regularly moisturized.
Some tips when selecting skincare and makeup for dark brown skin tones:
  • Your skincare routine should include a gentle cleanser to clear away the skin’s surface from makeup and impurities that build up during sleep. To counter ashiness and dehydrated skin, use a moisturizer twice a day. Exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week. It's a myth that dark skin doesn't need SPF. Dark skin tones need sunscreen protection. Apply an SPF moisturizer or BB cream with enough UVA & UVB protection.
  • Makeup - Like any other skin tone, look at your skin undertone when choosing the right foundation shade for dark skin. You may see a woman with a similar skin tone to yours, but a different undertone may make that shade not work with your skin's undertone. It may take some trial and error to find the right shade of foundation, eyeshadow or lipstick to get a natural makeup look for dark skin, but it will pay off.  When ordering foundation online, try 2 shades to apply to different parts of your face or mix them for the right hue.

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