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BOGO 50% OFF-enter code BOGO50-offer valid 12/29 to 01/01
Oily Skin ...not such a bad thing

Oily Skin ...not such a bad thing

Oily skin can lead to clogged pores and breakouts and not just through your teens, but well into your 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond. Like other skin types, you need to find the “right” routine for your skin to speed up the cell regenerative process for healthy, younger looking skin…it doesn't matter how many steps you take, the most important is  consistency and choosing the right products.

Sometimes we feel that taking care of our skin takes too much time, but believe me, the sooner you start incorporating a daily routine, the faster your skin will improve. And not only that, you'll follow the steps almost automatically, dare we say...develop a new habit?

Every day, our face “presents” US to the world…let's give it the best attention and the care it deserves…and what better way than by nurturing it with exceptional products that have a high concentration of natural ingredients ranging from fruit extracts, essential oils to sea kelp, spinach and green tea, which have long lasting effects.  They provide a boost at the cellular level to address the extra sebum your skin kicks out. Using natural and organic skin care products is like choosing the right nutrition diet for our body.

Throughout this week on our Instagram @nature21blvd and Facebook posts, we'll share  a sample of the products from our collection that we think works best for oily skin types.

- Soledad Cordova

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Artículo siguiente The Best Anti-Aging Happens at Night

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