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BOGO 50% OFF-enter code BOGO50-offer valid 12/29 to 01/01
Welcome to Nature:21 Blvd 2.0

Welcome to Nature:21 Blvd 2.0

Hi all! It has been a month and a bit, since we proudly launched Nature:21 Blvd, your place to find natural and Korean makeup and skincare products, and much has happened since then…we began our journey to engage through social media, and since then we have made some new friends who have tried our products. We are very happy to tell you that they are satisfied with the quality of the products and our dedicated customer support. And now…we proudly would like to introduce our full store!! With all the “goodies” we have selected for you.

Ah…and before we forget…just wanted to remind you of the incredible boxes we have put together at incredible prices! Do not wait any longer… treat yourself to one of them. This incredible offer will not be available for too long. Yes, we can’t stop saying how incredible this offer is…because it is!

 Lynda & Soledad

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